Friday, July 17, 2009

The Waiting Game

Originally uploaded by sosidesc
This is my son Beau on the night Jack will be born. His wife Chelsea was in her room in labor waiting as well. My wife, son Ian and me brought Beau to the hospital cafeteria to have dinner. When I look at this picture I can remember the night I was waiting for my 1st son to be born. Nervous anticipation. I can see it on Beau's face as well. Both my wife and Beau's wife had a long labor.

Well it became apparent that Jack would not arrive for at least a few hours. My wife Laura stayed at the hospital and waited till Jack was born. It was expected Jack would be born sometime in the very early morning hours. My son Ian and I decided to wait it out at home in the comfort of our own beds.

Jack was born around 1:00am on April 18th. I received a call from Laura shortly after that. Everything was good! Jack was born healthy and weighed in at 8 pounds. He measured 19 1/2 inches long. The waiting game was now over. The life of Jack Alan Berenger had just begun...

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