Friday, July 31, 2009

Great Grandfather Berenger

Here he is, Great Grandfather Berenger. Jack is about a month old here. Jack has really made my parents so happy. And the fact that Jack is a boy and will carry on the Berenger name I'm sure makes him proud. The honor of being a great grandparent is something I hope to experience someday. But being a grandparent is pretty good too.

My dad was always a very proud grandparent to my two boys. Throughout the years my boys were small they always loved seeing my dad. And he likewise loved to see them. I could always count on and trust my boys with my parents. Laura and I both worked at night so having my parents near was a huge help to us. Jack is here with me and Laura as I type this. Both Beau and Chelsea are working right now. We are happily doing our grand parenting duty, or should I say our grand parenting pleasure!

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