Friday, July 31, 2009

Jack is the cutest baby ever!

Jack has to be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Sure I'm his grandpa, I know possibly a biased opinion? But what do you think? And if you knew how mellow and happy he is all the time you would feel the same way. He is an amazing baby. I'm the happiest grandpa there could be. How is it this gift was given to us all? I can only say we all in the family are blessed. Beau and Chelsea have had an angel given to them. A tiny little angel grown from a seed. A baby to nurture and grow. A baby to grow into a boy and then into a man. Jack's parents have embarked on a journey both Laura and I have made. A journey all of our parents have made. And their parents have made. Life continues on with special gifts like Jack. He is our 1st grandson. I have a feeling it wont be the last either. Life is special. A gift you can't put a price tag on. A special gift of life and it has been given to all. So enjoy this priceless gift. There isn't anything better. It's why we are all here...

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