Friday, July 17, 2009

Chelsea & Beau

images to cherish...
Originally uploaded by sosidesc
The title of the blog is Jack Alan Berenger. It's only fitting that we start at the beginning with Chelsea and Beau. My son Beau married Chelsea. Here is both of them at the beach during our maternity photo session. I wanted to capture a few last images of them together before Jack. Well now that I look at the picture again this really isn't before Jack. I now see three people in this picture. Chelsea is due anytime to have the baby when I shot this.

So this is the beginning of the Jack Alan Berenger blog. It takes two people in love to bring such a beautiful child into the world. Not only will Jack have his two loving parents but he also has two sets of loving grand parents. But that's not all. Jack also has two sets of loving GREAT grand parents!

Jack is my 1st grandchild. I'm proud to be a grandparent. My wife and I love this baby so much. I plan to document in pictures, here on this blog, Jack's 1st year. I want to share the progress with all of our family members. Anyone else who is interested is welcome as well. This is the beginning. The beginning of the life of Jack Alan Berenger.

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