Friday, July 31, 2009

Great Grandmother Berenger

The birth of my mothers Great Grandson Jack had to have been one of her most highly anticipated moments of her life. When the news that Chelsea was pregnant was announced all of us became excited! My mom and dad now knew they would be Great Grandparents! I can only imagin what that must feel like. I know how excited Laura and I were when we got the news that we would be Grandparents. What an honor to be a Great Grandparent! What else in life is there to achieve after this. Perhaps in life this is the ultimate honor? I love you Mom! All I can say is thanks for starting all this! And I must thank my son Beau and his Wife Chelsea for giving this special gift to my Mom. You made my Mom's already incredible life even better.

Although my Mom's health isn't the best these days her spirits are so high. She really is an inspiration to me. And I must say that baby Jack has really made her life complete. Love you Mom.

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