Friday, July 31, 2009

Prettiest Grandma Ever?

Laura, Jack's Grandma has to be the prettiest grandma ever! Yes I might be biased because, well she is my wife but look at her. What could be more fitting than the cutest baby ever have the prettiest grandma ever?

Not only is Laura pretty but she was and still is a great mom. Between me and her we raised two great kids. The oldest of two, Beau, has returned the favor by marring a great girl like Chelsea and giving us a wonderful grandson Jack.

Jack is the cutest baby ever!

Jack has to be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Sure I'm his grandpa, I know possibly a biased opinion? But what do you think? And if you knew how mellow and happy he is all the time you would feel the same way. He is an amazing baby. I'm the happiest grandpa there could be. How is it this gift was given to us all? I can only say we all in the family are blessed. Beau and Chelsea have had an angel given to them. A tiny little angel grown from a seed. A baby to nurture and grow. A baby to grow into a boy and then into a man. Jack's parents have embarked on a journey both Laura and I have made. A journey all of our parents have made. And their parents have made. Life continues on with special gifts like Jack. He is our 1st grandson. I have a feeling it wont be the last either. Life is special. A gift you can't put a price tag on. A special gift of life and it has been given to all. So enjoy this priceless gift. There isn't anything better. It's why we are all here...

Great Grandfather Devilbiss

Well here's a picture of a proud man. Clark, Jack's Great Grandfather Devilbiss. With Jack nestled in his arm I'm sure he's enjoying this moment. Amazing the joy a baby can bring. Like a gift from heaven Jack has come into all of our lives. Again I think this picture really tells a story. A story of love and the bond it creates between a great grandfather and his great grandson. Jack is a lucky little boy to have so many loving family members around him.

Not only is Clark a fine father-in-law he's a good friend to me. A friendship that developed over a good 30 years now. I think that Jack is one of the rewards deserving of such a good man. I'm so happy that Chelsea and Beau brought Jack to all of us. I think the look on Clark's face says that too.

Great Grandmother Devilbiss

This is my wife Laura's mother Pat. Great Grandmother Devilbiss. Jack has 2 sets of great grandparents from his father's side of the family. How amazing is that? Jack has brought so much joy to our families. I think this picture tells a 1000 words. Look at Pat's face. Her expression is almost as precious as little sleeping Jack in her arms.

One of my most favorite people in the world, Pat is a truly a special person. I met her before I even met Laura. She is one of the most positive and friendly people I know. She has always been there for my children and always interested in what they were doing. I couldn't ask for a finer mother-in-law.

Great Grandfather Berenger

Here he is, Great Grandfather Berenger. Jack is about a month old here. Jack has really made my parents so happy. And the fact that Jack is a boy and will carry on the Berenger name I'm sure makes him proud. The honor of being a great grandparent is something I hope to experience someday. But being a grandparent is pretty good too.

My dad was always a very proud grandparent to my two boys. Throughout the years my boys were small they always loved seeing my dad. And he likewise loved to see them. I could always count on and trust my boys with my parents. Laura and I both worked at night so having my parents near was a huge help to us. Jack is here with me and Laura as I type this. Both Beau and Chelsea are working right now. We are happily doing our grand parenting duty, or should I say our grand parenting pleasure!

Great Grandmother Berenger

The birth of my mothers Great Grandson Jack had to have been one of her most highly anticipated moments of her life. When the news that Chelsea was pregnant was announced all of us became excited! My mom and dad now knew they would be Great Grandparents! I can only imagin what that must feel like. I know how excited Laura and I were when we got the news that we would be Grandparents. What an honor to be a Great Grandparent! What else in life is there to achieve after this. Perhaps in life this is the ultimate honor? I love you Mom! All I can say is thanks for starting all this! And I must thank my son Beau and his Wife Chelsea for giving this special gift to my Mom. You made my Mom's already incredible life even better.

Although my Mom's health isn't the best these days her spirits are so high. She really is an inspiration to me. And I must say that baby Jack has really made her life complete. Love you Mom.

4 Generations

This is a picture I really wanted to get even before Jack was born. It's an amazing thing to see 4 generations all together in one picture. Here Beau Berenger, Jack Berenger, Hugh Berenger and Arliss Berenger are all together. A cherished picture by me and I'm sure will be a cherished picture for generations to come. My dad is 86, I am 48, Beau is 26 and Jack is almost 1 month old.